Blue Ridge Mountain Prints


Illustrated, Screen-Printed Posters Celebrating the Blue Ridge Mountains.

About the Print

This screen-printed poster is the second in Bearings' ongoing series of artwork celebrating destinations that are a little off-the-beaten-path (a follow-up to the Outer Banks poster). Bearings commissioned an illustration that would capture the rolling, gentle waves of the Blue Ridge Mountains – a part of the Appalachian Mountain range, starting in northern Georgia and spreading up the eastern coastline.

About the Design

The illustration is a 3/0 screen print. A half-toning effect was used to create detail shading effects despite the more limited use of color.

Screen printed poster of trees along the blue ridge mountains
Halftones are screenprinted to shade and tint with a limited color palette
Slight registration miss and overprinting effect gives a textured look to the title text
The poster is branded with the Bearings Guide logo at the bottom



Russell Shaw

Danger Press (Special Thanks to William Martin and Ed Jewell)

The Cookie Edit


Banner Day

Branding, Guidelines, WEb