
eBook Designs

Collection, Publication

I designed the first Loom Playbook, “The Hybrid-Remote Playbook,” as well as established the templates for subsequent eBooks and longform interactive content pages.

The Hybrid-Remote Playbook uses illustrations commissioned from Rune Fisker, and was written by Karina Parikh.

The ebook table of contents page design on a tablet
Playbooks icon design with a play button in the middle of an open book
ebook page layout templates
The end of the chapter has further reading links and a playful grid of color blocks with an arrow to keep going
Digital publication pages on a tablet screen showcasing an article titled "Why work still feels like work (no matter where you are)." The layout includes text about remote work challenges, colorful illustrations, and visual elements with shades of blue and purple.
Book cover page with title 'Chapter 2: Setting your project in motion' featuring an illustration of two hands and colorful shapes.
A longform interactive animated content page about agile work styles

Async Your Agile Workflow

This interactive page featured loads of animations showing users putting their videos into a large-scale calendar full of blocked time. As you scroll down the page to learn more, more animations show time-block-busting animations. I created the overall concept, design, and all of the illustrated pieces; the coded hero animation was built by engineer Amanda Cheung, the front-end engineering was built by Tatiana Mac, and the spot illustrations were animated by motion designer Brent Clouse.

Mobile web view of information about how to brainstorm in the cloud for an agile workflow
Illustration of color blocks on sliders next to information on jumpstarting agile sprints

Tatiana Mac
Amanda Cheung

Hybrid-Remote book Illustrator
Rune Fisker

Karina Parikh

Motion Design
Brent Clouse

Alexandra Patterson