
Product and Feature Launches

Collection, Creative Direction

Concepting and designing visual campaigns surrounding the announcements and updates rolling out new features to users.

See You At Work Product Launch

This campaign was released over a period of three weeks, with each week having its own theme related to the new features: “Be anywhere,” “Be understood,” and “Be you.” This culminated in the messaging “See you at work” with the launch of a new brand campaign. I designed the concept and artwork for each part of the campaign, working with the animator, Brent Clouse, to bring it all to life.

Icons designed for be anywhere, be understood and be you
Mobile designs of the Loom product launch campaign
Social media posts about See You At Work product launches
A laptop open to The Transcript a blog by Loom with an illustration of a hand holding out a giant check mark
Illustration of a doorway divided into three parts showing a home, office, and vacation place where you can remote work

Be Anywhere Blog Illustration

Illustration of sound waves going between two open portals

Be Understood Blog Illustration

Illustration of a person in multi-colored shirt waving from a user profile window

Be You Blog Illustration

Illustration of collaborative software interface featuring video call participants and a document titled 'Company OKRs.' The interface includes options to add media clips or audio segments.

Weave, Community, and Save Defaults

As part of the new Thread design system updates for the marketing site, I designed a new style of assets to abstractly illustrate new feature launches in the product to promote across coordinated social channels. We kicked this off with the promotion of the Weave feature, allowing users to stitch together videos, as well as Community, the Save Defaults launch, and more.

Loom Weave launch email assets design
Instagram Story and TikTok ad design for Loom's new feature, Weave
Carousel of social ad images showing how to use Loom's new video stitching feature
Collage of diverse people and emojis on a purple background with the word 'Community' and a starburst icon in the center.
Screenshot of a video settings interface with options for filler word removal, noise filter, branded player, comment notification, and animated thumbnail, and a "Save defaults" button highlighted.

Brand Design
Russell Shaw
Jordan Egstad
Judson Collier
Emily Pratt
Sarah Olushoga
Stewart Scott-Curran (Director)

Motion Design
Brent Clouse

Alexandra Patterson
Sofya Leonova

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