A Publication by Slack
Branding, Art Direction, Publication Design
Channels is a publication by Slack that explores how the modern workplace is evolving, what it takes to empower teams to deliver their best work, and the role technology can play in making our work lives simpler, more pleasant, and more productive – now and into the future.
As Lead Brand Designer, I worked with the internal brand design team to create the identity for the publication, commission the artists and craft the overall art direction, as well as design layouts for the issue.
Together, we assigned different artists and unique styles to every article. This allowed each piece to function independently, featuring Slack while not feeling like an overtly Slack-branded magazine.
The first issue, "The Way We Work," features three, distinct sections of content: the Past, Present, and Future of work. With this structure in mind, we commissioned full-spread lettering pieces to bookend and divide each section, creating a visual narrative and a pace to the content as the reader moves through the issue.
"The Way We Work" Cover illustration by Abbey Lossing
"Past" lettering by Viet Huynh
"A Short History of the Office" illustration by Israel Vargas
"Present" lettering by Jason Wong
"Why We Need Best Friends at Work" illustration by Simone Massoni
"Make Work More Human" illustrations by Skinny Ships
"8 Perfectly Reasonable Reasons to Use Emoji at Work" illustrations by Nick Slater
"Building Winning Teams" lettering by Jen Mussari
"Andre Iguodala" portrait illustration by Jonny Ruzzo
Erika Hall portrait photograph by Chris Andre
"Future" lettering by Jordan Metcalf
"Working So Close and Yet So Far" illustrations by Leandro Castelao
"The Teams of Tomorrow" illustrations by Timo Kuilder
"Otherworldly Teamwork" illustration by Nick Slater
"Two Creatives, A Café, and a Chimera" illustrations by Christina Ung
Press Check
Release at Slack's Frontiers 2018 Conference in San Francisco
Photo by Bejzod Sirjani
Editorial Staff
Lima Al-Azzeh
Rina Bander
Matt Haughey
Stuart Lovinggood
Hairol Ma
Evie Nagy
Anna Pickard
Trina Robinson
Art Department
Alice Bybee
Viet Huynh
Supriya Kalidas
Russell Shaw
Printed in Canada by Hemlock Printers
Chris Andre
Leandro Castelao
Eric Frommelt
Minda Honey
Timo Kuilder
Casey Labatt Simon
Abbey Lossing
Devon Maloney
Simone Massoni
Jordan Metcalf
Dan Misener
Jen Mussari
Garrett Rowland
Jonny Ruzzo
Señor Salme
Scott Schiller
Skinny Ships
Brittany Shoot
Nick Slater
Christina Ung
Israel G. Vargas
Audra Williams
Jason Williams
Jason Wong