Lunch Adventure

Illustration, Web

I worked with the lovely people at Fatherly, Scary Mommy, and Some Spider Studios (now BDG) to illustrate and design this whimsical page in partnership with Hillshire Farm. From a giant spinning wheel of various lunchtime activities, to an interactive slider of different sandwich assembly options, to a map of various regional favorite sandwiches from around the country and a downloadable coloring book of drawings, maps, and more, the site equips parents with a fun way to turn lunchtime into an adventure for their kids.

Illustration and Web Design
Russell Shaw

Art Director
Anne Meadows

Rob White

Lou Harding

Computer screen displaying a website with DIY arts and crafts instructions. The page features an illustration of a child at a table surrounded by various craft materials. A small dog is shown next to the child.

Kids and parents could spin the activity wheel for a series of different ideas to make lunch time more fun — featuring hand-drawn illustrations of arts and crafts projects, scavenger hunts, living room blanket forts and cookie cutter sandwich bread.

Interactive user interface slider of different sandwich assembly ingredients

The page featured a Build Your Own Sandwich slider that had zillions* of combinations of sandwich options to make.

*Probably not actually zillions, but it was a lot.

How to assemble a vermont sandwich diagram
Illustration of an exploded sandwich with bun, lettuce, cheese, meat, and mustard line.
Illustration of a man in a beret peering at a California French Dip sandwich

The site also had a clickable map of different favorite sandwich recipes from around the country.

A downloadable coloring book of sandwich and lunch time activities for kids

There was even a downloadable coloring book full of mazes, word searches, and several of the hand-drawn illustrations from the site’s activities in black-and-white for kids to fill in.

Hand drawn coloring pages, mazes and word searches of lunchtime activities
Illustration of a kid eating a sandwich


Branding, Guidelines